Super Puzzle Platformer DELUXE!

Back in June you may have played a little flash game called Super Puzzle Platformer. Now I’d like to finally announce that SPP is evolving into a whole new beast, with multiplayer, levels, new obstacles, unlockable characters, and lots of other shit.


Everything is better with multiplayer, so if you have any friends or close enemies you can now show them how much better you are than them. The multiplayer is one vs one, three strikes and you’re out, and person with the highest score at the end wins. Creating combos sends obstacles to the opposite player, bigger the combo - bigger the obstacle.

New Levels

Each level has its own unique way of trying to crush you/impale you/set you on fire.

New Obstacles

If spikes and drills weren’t dangerous enough for you, now you have rising lava, giant spiders, fire balls, and other terrible things trying to stop you.

New Characters

Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe features 8 new playable characters each with their own special weapons and powers to break blocks. I’ll be revealing them when I feel like it throughout the development of the game.

So, yeah

It’s being developed for PC at the moment. If you have any questions about the project feel free to ask here! because there’s a lot more to tell. Stay tuned for more updates.

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  1. HOORAY! This looks even better than I’d hoped for… and multiplayer = WIN! :)

  2. Jacob says:

    Perhaps you would consider the chrome web store? Us mac users sure loved your on version of the game :D

  3. So are you doing an iOS version? At least you know the concept works on there ;)

  4. dosgs says:

    +1 mac version

  5. Jon Bristow says:

    I’d also love a mac one! And on steam!

  6. Aaron says:

    Ho man am I ever excited! Now if only I could buy this and Super Crate Box in a DOUBLE CARNAGE CARTRIDGE! I personally think that would be awesome.

  7. Jonathan says:

    I can’t wait, I loved the first one.

  8. Johan says:

    Amazing! Im just hoping for joystick and fullscreen support :)

  9. soramimi cake says:

    OH MY GLOB! more like Super Awesome Platformer!

  10. luc says:

    woohoo !
    Looking forward to the additions and extended gameplay.
    The flash version already had that magic feel where you could play for hours just for the sake of playing it.
    Can’t wait ot get my hands on it !

  11. Blargh says:

    After I saw your initial SPP, I was going to make my own multiplayer rip-off because I wanted to play one, but I waited around to see what you would do and it seems to have paid off! Hooray!

    Only now it seems that you can’t run around in each others’ territory >_>

  12. Saam says:

    is this going to be all you or a collab?

    • andrew51 says:

      I’m doing it all with the support of you guys and the awesome music is being made by Landon Podbielski who did the music for the original.

  13. lego says:

    When does it come out?? Or is it out already?

  14. I hope you release it for Mac. This games deservers a full professional release. I’d love to play it on XBOX Live or PSN, as well. It’s easily as good as my favorite puzzlers, games like Lumines & Tetris (in all its various incarnations).

  15. lander says:

    when i can play this???

  16. André Fellipe says:

    Would be nice a co-op and a versus with 2 people in the same screen. =D

    love spp i am waiting for this one.

  17. […] to take this brilliant concept of his and give it some new wings. The project became know as Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe, and I’ve been dribbling ever since he announced the damn thing. So now you may start to see […]

  18. fak says:

    you should submit to humble bundle or steam greenlight or something. this game is awsome

  19. fak says:

    where to get?

  20. Coma says:

    Pre-order on steam, please. Pre-order. I can’t hold all these money.

  21. […] seen to be slightly rebellious to so viciously advocate the addition of guns to a game like Tetris. Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe doesn’t care much for what you support or think, it’s still going to win you over by […]

  22. silver says:

    I want to play it so bad

  23. […] the bigger the chain, the harder it is to break. Developer Andrew Morrish is currently working on Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe, which adds a two-player Vs mode, in addition to a host of other […]